Runner Profile

Sean Meissner

By: Matt Sherman

Name: Sean Meissner

Town: Perkinsville, VT

Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area? Born & raised in Spokane, WA, lived most of the last 10 years in Colorado (Durango & Fruita). I moved to the Upper Valley to be a bit closer to my wife’s family, leave the drought-stricken west, and live somewhere a bit more affordable.

What do you do professionally? Running Coach

How long have you been running? 40 years! My first race was Bloomsday 12k in Spokane on May 1, 1983.

How long have you been running competitively? 36 years, when I joined my high school XC team in the Fall of 1987.

Why do you run? I love getting out and not having to think about anything, although sometimes running can definitely help me think through issues without me realizing it at the time. I love the simplicity of running: shoes and shorts - everything else is optional. I appreciate the places running has taken me all over the world.

Recent memorable moment while running? Audibly hearing and painfully feeling my knotty calf “pop” a half-mile from the finish of Ascutney Mtn Run. It was very painful.

Best athletic accomplishment and why? From May 9 - June 9, 2022, I biked from Pacific City, OR to Lewes, DE, fulfilling a 35-years-in-the-making dream of cycling across the country. It was pretty cool. The activity that trained me best for it was being a lifelong runner.

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why? Half Marathon; it’s the perfect blend of needing decent leg speed and good endurance to run well. Also, training for one doesn’t require the same time commitment as marathons and longer, and on race day, you’re done pretty quickly so you have the rest of the day to play without being exhausted. And, half marathons are excellent long tempo runs for ultrarunners.

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race? Kennebec Mtn Run, July, 2016 in Durango, CO. I got engaged mid-race when Kristina was volunteering as a course marshal at the midpoint and I surprised her with a ring!

Training partners? Mostly solo runner; I love adventure runs with Kristina and our dogs Ardy and Juniper.

Cross training activities? Cycling, Nordic skiing, Snowshoeing, TRX, Strength training (specifically, deadlifts)

Favorite local running route? I love biking to Ludlow then running up and down Okemo Mtn.

Favorite post run treat? After long races or adventure runs, I love salty cheese fries, and if they’re loaded with bacon, onions, etc, even better.

Any notable streaks or other unusual running events? Not really a streak, but in 2021, I reached a long-term running goal of running 200 ultras in 20 years.

What made you start running? Growing up in Spokane, WA, which has a very strong running tradition, got me to run my first race. My sister encouraged me to join the cross country team in high school; I had no idea what that was, but once I joined, I immediately knew I’d found my sport and people.

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started? Different; I didn’t really know what I was getting into 40 years ago, and now I have no desire or plans to stop running.

Why did you join UVRC? It’s the coolest local running club in the Upper Valley! Joining running clubs when I move to a new town has always been a great way to make new friends with other like-minded people.

Ever run in a costume? Many times! Some of my favorites: Richard Simmons, Superman, Wonder Woman, Papa Smurf, Sparkle Skirt Guy, Big-Turkey-Hat-and-Velour-Turkey-Tights Turkey Trot Guy, Stars & Stripes Guy for any number of patriotic holiday races.

The only running shoe for me is… I’m a shoe-whore - one pair just doesn’t cut it. 

Ever been injured? How did it happen? Surprisingly very rarely over my 40 years of running; currently nursing knotty calves that started with a back issue that caused me to change my running gait.

Hot or cold weather runner? Hot

Morning or evening runner? Midday (I love my schedule)

What is your motivation? Exploring new places and getting fit for races.

I run therefore I… get to explore.

How did you become interested in running? Growing up in Spokane, WA it was just part of the culture, especially prep running.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

What is your favorite race? Peterson Ridge Rumble 20 & 40 mi

Favorite running book/film? Running with the Buffaloes and Win At All Costs - Inside Nike Running and Its Culture of Deception

What does your daily workout consist of? Anything from an easy 5, to hilly 13, to long marathon-specific tempo run, to TNT, to big adventure days in the mountains.

How about favorite workout? There’s a great 7-mi hill w/ 2200’ vert in Durango, where I used to live; I created this workout and love it so much that my Durango friends and clients know it well:

  • 2 mi w/u
  • then for the next 5 miles, 5 min Tempo at the start of each mile, then easy the rest of that mile
  • this gets you to the top of the climb at Animas Overlook. jog the Overlook trail (easy ¾ mile trail at the top of the hill)
  • then for the 7 downhill miles: 2 mi Tempo, 1 mi Easy, 2 mi Tempo, 1 mi Easy, 1 mi Hard
  • finish with an easy 10 min c/d jog along the CT, and 10 min soak in Junction Creek

What is your diet like? Mostly healthy with lots of whole foods, veggies, etc, and I also am not afraid of a good cinnamon roll and ice cream.

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person? Kristina, my wife. She’s battled injuries for many years and I’ve hated losing my adventure buddy. She’s back!

What else should the club know about you? I’m a race director! I founded a trail race in 2003 in Sisters, OR, and am still race directing it 20 years later. This successful event is the major fundraiser for the high school cross country team where I got my coaching start as a volunteer in 2002. I’m now trying to create some new races in the Perkinsville area where I live. Please come run them!

Aside from running, what are your hobbies? Playing with my dogs, cycling, canoeing, standup paddle boarding (learning) camping, figuring out our tractor

If you like to race, what is your favorite type of race? Stage Races because what you do today directly affects tomorrow, so you have to take care of yourself for the whole stage and the whole rest of the day. Also, you get to be really good friends with the other runners.

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766