Runner Profile

Meet Claire

By: Robert Jones


Claire Geno



Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

Alabama. Came to the UV for my husband’s job at DHMC!

What do you do professionally?

Retail Sales for Hershey

How long have you been running?

Off and on for the last 10-15 years. Mostly off, and trying to get back into it again. :)

Why do you run?

For the sense of accomplishment at the end. It’s amazing what our bodies will do!

Recent memorable moment while running?

Meeting new people in C25K

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

I finished a half marathon in my twenties. It was a goal, and I completed it!

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

5K. There are so many fun 5Ks to participate in all over the country. It’s a great way to see other places!

Cross training activities?

Biking, gardening

Favorite local running route?

Rail trail

What is strangest place you have ever run?

Orlando, Florida. It was so hot!

What made you start running?

Desire to stay active as I age

Why did you join UVRC?


Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

I’ve always run in Brooks, but recently discovered Hokas and love them!

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Yes. A few cross fit injuries years ago. Rest, incorporating lots of stretching and warmup, and remembering not to go too hard before I’m ready.

Hot or cold weather runner?


Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Art! I love painting, crafts, and visiting art museums

What does your daily workout consist of?

Walking and/or intervals

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766